Thursday, August 7, 2008

Worship Gathering and New Website

I'll be hosting a Worship Gathering this Saturday, August 9th at 7:00pm at LifeLand Community Church in Mason. As always I’m looking forward to our time together.

In addition to spending time in worship and prayer we’ll be doing something that will be quite significant for me.

I’ve shared with many of you that I’ve been working with a group called the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) since last fall to understand more about Anglican worship and how we can integrate contemporary worship music with traditional elements of the Church of England.

On Saturday at our worship gathering, some folks from AMiA will be joining us to participate in worship and to appoint me as a Lay Catechist. (If you’re like me, I hadn’t heard of that title before now…in common terms a Lay Catechist is a ‘non-ordained teacher/leader’). The appointment will make official a relationship that I’ve had with AMiA for some time, providing myself and our group with oversight, accountability and resources. I’m glad they’ll be joining us.

With their help, I’ve recently created website for our group at: I hope you find the site helpful in understanding what we do at our monthly worship gatherings and also a helpful resource for telling others.

Many blessings,

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