Sunday, December 4, 2011

It is finished

Some of you know that I've been finishing up my theology degree at Reformed Theological Seminary.

I spent this past Friday on the RTS campus in Charlotte, North Carolina defending my thesis and I'm glad to say that I passed. I am done!

The virtual program at RTS has been outstanding - with lectures from some great professors on topics from Christian theology, to apologetics and Church history. The staff, as well, have been great to work with. When I have some time, I'll try to write a description of some of the things I've learned.

I've mentioned before that the school posts many of its lectures free of charge on iTunes U and I would highly recommend a listen.

I'll also post a link to my thesis when I have a chance.

Special thanks to John Arns for proctoring many of my exams and Malcolm McLellan for serving as a mentor for my classes. I'm also grateful to the many people who have encouraged me over these years as I've worked to complete my degree - in particular my parents. Thank you!


Update on Advent Resource

Last week I wrote about a great resource for Advent from All Saints Church in North Carolina.

At the time, I just had the link to Week #1 of their Advent devotional.

They have now posted the devotional for each day in Advent.

Here is the link:
