Thursday, September 30, 2010

Something to Contemplate

This week I'm reading Eugene Peterson's "The Contemplative Pastor".

If I only had one word to describe the book I would say: WOW. This book is soooo good...I'll post a few quotes from the book this week.

Thanks to Fr. Joe Boysel in Hudson, Ohio for recommending this great book.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It is finished....almost

Received confirmation today that I've finished all of my coursework at Reformed Theological Seminary.

I have found the classes quite helpful in learning more about Christian theology, apologetics and Church history.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, the school posts many of their lectures free of charge at iTunes U. Let me know if you have any issues accessing the lectures, they are quite helpful.

Next up for me...writing my thesis.

Thanks all for your prayers and support. Special thanks to John Arns for proctoring my exams and Malcom McLellan for serving as a mentor for my classes.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Land Between

This week I've been reading a great book called "The Land Between: Finding God in Difficult Transitions" by Jeff Manion.

I highly recommend this book if you are dealing with difficulty, discouragement, grief or loss.

Rev. Manion vividly retells the indirect journey of the Hebrew people who went from Egypt to the Promised Land...enduring a generation in the Sinai desert, which he calls "the Land Between."

There are many things that I like about this book...including his inclusion of a U2 song and the funniest paraphrase I've read in quite awhile (of what God says to Elijah):

"Dude, you could use some lunch. You must be so tired and discouraged." (pg. 75)

Through his retelling of the Exodus account (and several other Biblical accounts of difficulty and despair), Rev. Manion explores how God will uses these times in "the Land Between" to teach us more about Himself and transform our lives.

Again, a highly recommended book...


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Helpful Lectionary Resource

I've written recently about how helpful the daily Lectionary readings can be (for the past several weeks I've been gripped by the readings from Job).

I ran across this helpful resource that I thought I'd share with you. It's the daily lectionary reading in a bookmark format (from our friends in the Charismatic Episcopal Church).

Here's the link:
